And here's Chomsky's being fitted with a microphone by Hamzah Baig, who I covered previously at FrontPage Magazine, "UCLA’s Palestine Awareness Week: Students for the Extermination of Israel":
Recall that Hamzah Baig was extremely nervous by the attention I was paying to him, and he made sure to be on record that UCLA's Students for Justice in Palestine "provides no support for terrorism whatsoever."
The folks from the International Communist League were right outside the entrance, handing out literature:
Makes sense, I guess. Goes hand-in-hand with the latest propaganda Chomksy's peddling, in a newsletter out yesterday: "Chomsky's More Detailed Response to the News of bin Laden's Murder" (via Memeorandum). Chomsky places President George W. Bush on a plane of moral equivalence to Adolph Hitler, which is, of course, central to Chomsky's oeuvre. The guy's not only an idiot, but a liar as well. See Brad DeLong's comments on the memo: "Stupidest and Most Dishonest Man Alive of All Time: Noam Chomsky." (And well, that explains why Robert "Che Porn Guy" Farley's down with the MIT crackpot.)
All in a day's work. Freakin' commie-progressive jihad-lovers. Sheesh.
All in a day's work. Freakin' commie-progressive jihad-lovers. Sheesh.
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