Monday, May 2, 2011

Victory in Abbottabad

At Wall Street Journal, "A measure of justice for the thousands he killed, and a warning to others":


Mr. Obama ... deserves credit for ordering a special forces mission rather than settling for another attack with drones or stand-off weapons from afar. Drones have their uses, but a target as valuable as bin Laden was worth the gamble of a U.S. military raid both to reduce the chances of his escape and to end once and for all the myth that he couldn't be taken. The skill and success of the raid is also a boost to American prestige and pride at a moment of too much national self-doubt ...
That's about all I should quote. It's a sober and accurate commentary, and the editors suggest "burying" Osama's body at sea might have been a mistake --- one of the main points I raised in my classes today. So go RTWT.

PHOTO CREDIT: The White House Flickr page, "President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, along with members of the national security team, receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House, May 1, 2011."

See also CNN, "Obama watched live video of bin Laden raid, U.S. official says."

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