Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Breitbart Responds

On Twitter last night, when I tweeted him the news that Netroots Nation will hold its 2012 conference in Providence, RI., where organizers got a "no compete clause" from the convention center and hotels, which would prevent Right Online from holding a parallel meeting simultaneously. See Legal Insurrection, "Confirmed – Netroots Nation 2012 Chose Providence To Keep RightOnline Away."

And coincidentally, I finished Breitbart's book yesterday, Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World! I was almost through with it, and got busy with something else. And I'm also reading a bunch of other stuff, but I came back to finish Righteous Indignation after the Breitbart meetup, which was cool (remember, he'd just gotten back from the Weiner confessional press conference). Anyway, I'll have more to say on the book. If you're a conservative activist, it's almost of Biblical importance.

RELATED: From Joy McCann, at The Conservatory, "More on the Right Online-Netroots Nation Interactions."

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