Friday, June 24, 2011

Presidential War Powers and Obama's Wars

Video c/o Reason.

This is a fascinating exchange. Gene Healy opens with a compelling argument, but comes off as more ideological. Michael Ramsey, speaking second, sounds more scholarly, and makes implicit reference to the political science consensus on the expansion of presidential power. Healy gives short shrift to the impact of the Cold War, and especially the concentration of power in the executive dealing with a U.S. response to nuclear danger. There are no more existential threats than those the U.S. faced from Soviet strategic weapons during the Cold War. Has the U.S. gone too far with the war on terror? Perhaps. It's worth noting that we're having the most robust discussions on the War Powers Resolution in decades under a Democratic administration. A needed discussion, in any case. If it were me, we wouldn't be in Libya and we'd be fighting to win in Afghanistan :

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