Saturday, July 30, 2011

What If They Gave Charles Johnson a Memeorandum Thread and Nobody Came?

Poor old King Charles.

For some reason the Memeorandum algorithm picked up this post at Little Green Footballs: "Pamela Geller Edits Post to Conceal Violent Rhetoric in ‘Email from Norway’." It's time-stamped at 7:20pm Friday night (at Memorandum River), and almost 6 hours later not a single blog has linked. And to think, this used to be the mighty LGF. I remember way back, as a beginning blogger, the aura of CJ's blogospheric greatness. (Folks would talk about checking over there to see if "the window opens" so they could be cool and register for commenting.) And now, well, the dude having a hard time getting folks to even post some "Downfall" parodies.


In any case, here's a link to POH Diaries, "Courageous Conservatives Episode #4: Pamela Geller."

And ICYMI at Zilla's, "Operation United Front - UPDATED - Roll Call!"

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