Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Big Day at U.S. Open of Surfing!

Well, we're back.

I hung out with my youngest son while my oldest tooled around Huntington Beach with some friends from school.

We parked at 12th Street and Pacific Coast Highway, just North of the Sun'n Sands Motel:

US Open of Surfing

Here's the scene looking toward the pier from the BMX grandstands. Vendor booths are under the tents. The Skullcandy sound booth is at right:


Actually, I didn't have time to watch surfing. I usually do, but I couldn't leave my youngest kid alone. But Los Angeles Times has a surfing report, "Brett Simpson is eliminated at Nike U.S. Open of Surfing":

So we mostly hung out by the skateboard ramps:



The weather was awesome. Good for a couple of PacĂ­ficos:

US Open of Surfing

Hundreds of thousands of fans visit the U.S. Open every summer. It's mostly young people, guys with board shorts and girls in bikinis. One thing I found interesting is how people write on themselves, with erasable ink, I guess. Mostly these are good-natured messages, like "Free Hugs Here," seen on a lot of the young guys. That said, I saw one hot little number in a bikini with a slashed line running from her bikini top to her bottoms, with an arrow pointing to her private area with the message, "INSERT HERE!" Well, I'm all for truth in advertising! And honestly, some people have no problem writing "F- Me" all over their bodies. I asked my oldest son about that and even he was surprised. He then showed me his Skullcandy tatoo, so what can you do:


Heckuva lot better than "F- Me", that's for sure!

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