Tuesday, August 16, 2011

'No Friends'

W. James Casper = Racist = Repsac3 has no blogging friends. He's a user and a loser who himself is being used. Pure hatred is like a feeding frenzy. Indiscriminate attacks. No loyalties. Progressives suck that way. (Well, he's got Fauxmaxbear, but FMB's everyone's stupid enemy anyway, and he doesn't count for jack.) Yeah, recall that Racist = Repsac3 recruits progressive nihilist attack masters, and then he complains when they bail out after writing just "6 American Nihilist posts." Oh, please. Just 6 posts that helped launch the epic campaign of workplace intimidation at my college. And when that was done, OCTO threw away idiot racist Repsac like a piece of progressive feces. Yep, progressives destroy everything. For the left, Racist Reppy's as useful as human waste. Freakin' douchebag loser:
You're a liar if you follow all trends

Get out of here asshole, you've got no friends

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