Friday, August 19, 2011

Jerry Buell, Florida History Teacher, Suspended for Posting His Personal Gay Marriage Opinions on Facebook

The guy was Mount Dora High School's Teacher of the Year. His peers obviously consider him excellent in the classroom. And his comments on gay marriage are nothing compared to the left's foul dirtbag death chants against conservatives. Seriously. He says gay marriage makes him sick to his stomach and is an attack on God. You think? See Orlando Sentinel, "Teacher suspended, reassigned for anti-gay Facebook comments." And Hot Air, "Florida teacher suspended for Facebook entry opposing NY gay-marriage law":
Do teachers in public-school systems have a “special ethics” code that prevents them from publicly speaking on policy issues? Lake County Schools in Florida suspended Jerry Buell, a high-school teacher with a reportedly impeccable record for 22 years, for posting his opposition to New York’s new gay-marriage law, and will start termination proceedings against him. The case will test First Amendment rights and encroaching political correctness.
You can say that again.

Here's the guy's comments:
“I’m watching the news, eating dinner when the story about New York okaying same-sex unions came on and I almost threw up,” he wrote. “And now they showed two guys kissing after their announcement. If they want to call it a union, go ahead. But don’t insult a man and woman’s marriage by throwing it in the same cesspool of whatever. God will not be mocked. When did this sin become acceptable?”


“By the way, if one doesn’t like the most recently posted opinion based on biblical principles and God’s laws, then go ahead and unfriend me. I’ll miss you like I miss my kidney stone from 1994. And I will never accept it because God will never accept it. Romans chapter one.”
And here come the progressive thought police totalitarians. Lauren Ritchie, for example, also at The Sentinal, "Respect between teachers, students at heart of teacher's anti-gay Facebook rant":
Buell said last week that he started the Facebook discussion after watching a news story about New York legalizing unions for same-sex partners.

In most of it, Buell simply expounded on view that homosexuality is wrong because of his religious beliefs. All that was fine.

Where the teacher of the year went wrong was in saying he "almost threw up" when the story came on the screen and in comparing gay relations to a "cesspool."

His remarks were out of line, and they were made in a public forum. As a teacher of history and government, Buell should know that responsibility comes with freedom of speech.

Students — gay, straight or otherwise — have the right to come to school expecting a fair shake from their teachers. Can a student who makes a teacher want to vomit really expect equal treatment?
Of course they can? Progressives assume that people from different backgrounds are perpetual victims who can't think for themselves. And they assume that a teacher expressing a private opinion can't act professionally in the classroom. Hello people??!! It's called debating both sides of an issue. Thousands upon thousands of teachers do it every day inside the classroom. One doesn't have to agree with a political position to be able to discuss it and offer it up to students for critical analysis. Progressives assume that a conservative can't hold two conflicting opinions at the same time and offer them for debate. It's the left that's metastasizing from monochromatic thinking. Just this week, as part of my introductory discussions, I was helping students think about the stakes of the upcoming presidential election in 2012. Since Rick Perry's been in the news I hypothesized a presidential match-up between the Texas Governor and President Obama. I discussed the likely policy platforms the candidates might have, and especially how they would differ on the question of creating more jobs and getting the nation back to work. I don't agree with the Democrats' program, but I laid it out there and said that Obama inherited a collapsing economy and that so far his stimulus program hasn't had the desired effect of creating more jobs. He'll argue that he needs four more years to continue his work in generating economic growth. Then I mentioned that Rick Perry's been propelled to the top ranks of the GOP field because of Texas's record of job creation. I then suggested how both Obama and Perry might criticize the other. After that, I opened up the classroom for discussion, and students were able to raise additional points, not only about that hypothetical contest but anything else they thought relevant. Duh. That's called open inquiry and critical discussion. I'm not making my students agree with one program or another. And I'm not attacking President Obama as an Alynskite community organizer communist attempting to turn the U.S. into a corrupt bureaucratic European welfare regime. He is that. But we can get to whether progressive programs are productive without the more polarizing language. In other words, I don't teach my ideology. I teach based on critical thinking and helping students think for themselves. Shoot, sometimes my student evaluations criticize me as a bleeding heart liberal, which I find hilarious, since I'm one of the most outspoken conservative blogging professors in the United States.

Anyway, progressives are losers. They're ASFL totalitarian dicks. (And stupid too, like Racist Idiot W. James Casper.) If Jerry Buell posts about how gay marriage makes him sick on Facebook, so fucking what? No doubt he'd be reported for saying so much inside the classroom, and that's when school officials would be warranted in taking action. Outside of that, Buell's First Amendment rights are being violated. Basically, he's getting reamed up the you-know-what harder than two New York rim-station freaks overdosing on erection enhancement pills. (And hey, W. James Casper's down with that!)

RELATED VIDEO: "School Suspends Teacher After Gay Marriage Facebook Comment."

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