Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Rick Perry's 'Texas Miracle'

From The Economist:
... I would suggest that in the rush to debunk Mr Perry, Democrats are being a little hasty. The Perry campaign is giving the startling statistic that since June 2009, 40% of the net new jobs created in America have been in Texas—a state with less than 10% of the nation's people. The Dallas Fed, earlier this month, reckoned that Texas created 261,700 jobs between June 2009 and June 2011, compared to 524,000 in the nation as a whole. Given the tremendous need for jobs in this country—and grinding unemployment is a horrible thing, not a minor inconvenience—it's a little disheartening to think that people are rushing to dismiss what has happened in Texas just because it's Texas and because Mr Perry, with his accent and his swagger, is the state's governor. So let's put politics aside. Pretend that Mr Perry doesn't exist, and that there's been a dummy stuffed with straw sitting in his office this whole time. What would have happened in Texas?
I'm fascinated at how aggro the attacks on Perry have become. Clearly Perry's putting the freak out into Democrats big time. They're like hyenas hovering for a bite off the carcass. They're looking to just shred the body. It's amazing. Again, Bill Whittle said it best: No matter who becomes the GOP nominee in the end, Republican voters are chomping at the bit for election 2012.

Anyway, check out this post at Political Math, it's really something else, "Rick Perry And Texas Job Numbers." (At Memeorandum.)

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