Monday, August 1, 2011

Uneasy House OK's Debt Deal

At Wall Street Journal, "Both Parties Find Fault With Bill; Senate to Vote Tuesday":
WASHINGTON—The House passed a $2.4 trillion debt-ceiling increase Monday night with the Senate planning to follow on Tuesday, after one of the most ferocious fights ever over government spending.

Congressional approval, along with President Barack Obama's signature, would raise the government's debt limit just before the U.S. government would begin defaulting on its obligations.

Both liberals and conservatives were upset by parts of the deal. Democratic and Republican party leaders spent Monday trying to get them on board.

Lawmakers and other officials raised questions Monday about how the complicated agreement will unfold in the coming months, such as who will sit on a key deficit-cutting congressional committee and whether that panel can raise taxes.
Vote totals at the link. Ninety-five Republicans voted against the deal.

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