Sunday, September 4, 2011

BWHAHAHA!! — Charles Johnson Sycophant Killgore Trout Whines Over 'Shocking Heartlessness of Conservatives'

This is hilarious, especially for its utter predictability.

I found this post from Little Green Footballs at my Sitemeter: "Is Erick Erickson Ashamed of His Fellow Creationists?" That's a Google link, but click through at the top result and scroll down to comment #19, and voilà!, there's cud-munching Killgore Trout blabbering on about my horrible --- HORRIBLE!! ---- insensitivity:

The always shocking heartlessness of conservatives. Instapundit links to this update on the man who died from a dental problem because he couldn't afford treatement: 24-Year-Old Cincinnati Man Dies of Toothache After Brilliantly Filling His Pain Medication Prescription Instead of Antibiotics.
And with LGF being completely infested with progressive robots, Little Green Troll Gus 802 decided to look up my employer information on Google. Checking back at that top link, and scrolling down to comment #44, we see this:
Consider the source. American Power is a blog written by Donald Douglas who teaches history at Long Beach City College. He probably has a dental plan payed for by the California community college system. Another one living off the government system yet constantly railing against the machine.
Gus 802's not too smart, of course. I teach political science, not history. Duh. And not only that, I'm not "living off the government" but employed by a public college --- big difference. But playing along with the stupidity, I wasn't "living off the government" until I was 39-years-old. In fact, back when I was 28, living in Fresno and unemployed, I started having pain along the gums at the back of my mouth. Turns out my molars were inflamed and the dentist recommended I have all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. That was going to include full anesthesia (going under for the procedure) as well. Total cost was to be $750. And you know what, I put it on credit and paid down the balance out of pocket. And I'm insured now --- not because someone is sponsoring me on the dole, but because I spent 13 YEARS IN COLLEGE earning three political science degrees and landing a job in my field as a professor --- and that's after I beat out over 150 candidates for my position when I applied. So, yeah, LGF dickwads, I'm hardly gonna start bawling about a guy who refused to dig down deep for $27 for some antibiotics. Besides, the comments on this have been pure gold, for example, this one, from Adjoran:
I thought Yglesias and the leftists were all about evolution and Darwin.

They should be hailing his decision to cleanse the gene pool of those too dumb to deal with an abscess even after consulting a doctor
That's gotta be the perfect response to an epic airhead LGF entry entitled: "Is Erick Erickson Ashamed of His Fellow Creationists?"

RELATED: "Charles Johnson Browbeat Forbes' Abigail Esman After She Correctly Noted That Anders Breivik Voluminously Cited Little Green Footballs."

P.S. When I get back to work on Tuesday, I'm won't to be surprised to find that these lowlifes contacted my college. Recall, back in January, Gus 802 tweeted Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Governor Jerry Brown hoping to get Patterico fired.

Classic. That's what progressives do. And this time I'll be ready for it.

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