Friday, September 2, 2011

Germany Pulls Out of Durban III Anti-Racism Conference

At Jerusalem Post:
BERLIN - Germany's Foreign Ministry announced on Friday that it will not take part in the UN-sponsored Durban III anti-racism conference on September 22, because of the possibility that the event can be turned into a forum for anti-Semitic statements.

In a statement to The Jerusalem Post on Friday, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle said “Germany will not participate in the commemoration event for the 10th year anniversary of the Durban conference.”

He added that Germany “cannot rule out that the Durban commemoration event in New York will be misused for anti-Semitic statements, as was the case in previous conferences.”

Westerwelle continued that “therefore Germany will not participate. This is also an expression of our special responsibility toward Israel.”
You can say that again.

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