Monday, September 5, 2011

Larry Powell, Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, Retires for One Day in Salary Give Back to District

Not the kind of story you see very often.

At Los Angeles Times, "Fresno school official has a gift for giving":

Reporting from Fresno — It was supposed to be a quiet thing; no fanfare, no press releases.

Fresno County School Supt. Larry Powell and his wife, Dot, a retired principal, had figured out a way to help imperiled programs in their struggling school district.

He would retire for one day. Then come back to work at a pittance compared with his former salary — putting more than $800,000 of his salary and benefits back in the district's coffers.

But in tough economic times, when public trust has been repeatedly battered, word of an elected official giving back money quickly made its way from a Board of Education meeting to national headlines. Powell spent his "retirement" giving television and magazine interviews.

"We were trying to not create a big stir," said Armen Bacon, spokeswoman for the Fresno County Office of Education. "But we're living in a time of despair and people are so hungry for stories about the impact one person can make."

Powell officially retired Wednesday. The district was contracted to pay him $235,000 plus benefits a year through 2014. He went back to work Friday, rehired at a salary of $31,020 with no benefits, to run 35 school districts with 195,000 students.

Powell said he will give his new salary to charity. His former, heftier salary will go into the district's discretionary fund.
The Boston Globe has more:
Powell, a Baptist minister and lifelong educator who began his career as a high school civics teacher, was appalled by the revelations in Bell, the poor Southern California city where corrupt public officials secretly padded their paychecks by hundreds of thousands of dollars. “My wife and I asked ourselves, ‘What can we do that might restore confidence in government?’’’ he told the Associated Press. Their answer was to voluntarily forgo $800,000 in salary and benefits over the next 3½years. Powell chose to “retire’’ and then be hired back for just $31,000 a year - substantially less than what first-year teachers in California are paid. For that modest sum, he will continue to oversee 325 schools with 195,000 students.
He's not even keeping the $31 thousand.

But go back and check that Los Angeles Times piece. Powell can do this because his wife's a former principal and he'll be on her health care, and he's already earned at $200 thousand annual retirement from the state retirement system. Basically, the guy was raking the cash off taxpayer largesse and thought, "You know, I've had it good. Perhaps I might give some of this back so that others won't need for things." And that's the honorable thing right there.

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