Friday, September 9, 2011

The Return of Elitism?

An interesting piece, at Telegraph UK, "David Cameron: we need elitism in schools":
David Cameron will signal a return to “elitism” in schools in an attempt to mend Britain’s “broken” society and secure the economic future.

The Prime Minister will attack the “prizes for all” culture in which competitiveness is frowned upon and winners are shunned.

In a significant speech, he will outline Coalition plans to ensure teaching is based on “excellence”, saying that controversial reforms are needed to “bring back the values of a good education”.

Failure to do so would be “fatal to prosperity”, he will say.

The comments mark the latest in a series of attempts to focus on education in response to the riots that shocked London and other English cities last month.
Actually, we could use less elitism on this side of the Atlantic, and more back to basics, common sense, values-based instruction.

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