Friday, September 2, 2011

Sarah Palin to Blast Washington's 'Compromised Political Class' in Iowa This Weekend

See Robert Costa, at National Review, "Palin Will Blast ‘Compromised Political Class’ in Iowa."

For a long time I admired Sarah Palin's savvy instincts (and I still do), but I think she's waited too long to announce her intentions for the presidency. Apparently, she'll say in Iowa tomorrow that she's still undecided, and then she'll reprise her basic stump speech about how dumb are establishment politicians and how broken is establishment politics. I can't help thinking that Palin's moment has passed for this cycle, and that she'd be better off announcing definitively that she'll not be a candidate in 2012. For more on that see Doyle McManus, at LAT, "Palin the procrastinator," and Alex Parker, at U.S. News, "For 2012, Sarah Palin's Time May Have Run Out."

And check the video at Right Scoop, "Karl Rove: Palin is hurting herself. She needs to get in or get out."

BONUS: From Tony Katz, at Pajamas Media, "The Sarah Palin “Will She/Won’t She” Tour Begins."

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