Sunday, August 9, 2009

Action Statement, Obama/Organizing for America: 'Our Representatives Are Under Attack'

From Dana Loesch, "DNC Trying to Stack the Deck for McCaskill on Tuesday."

The post features the quote below, from an action memo orginating at and

Our representatives are under attack by Washington insiders, insurance companies, and well-financed special interests who don’t go a day without spreading lies and stirring up fear. We need to show that we’re sick and tired of it, and that we’re ready for real change, this year.
"Under attack"?

Be sure to check President Obam's "
Organizing for America" website, which features the same allegations.

And as
Dana asks:

Seriously? Representatives are “under attack?” That’s what it’s called when they refuse debate, call their constituents names simply because people want to ask sincere questions?
See also, "President Obama: Americans Are Not An 'Angry Mob'."

Image Credit: "
Serr8d Version."

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