Saturday, August 8, 2009

Change! Rep. David Scott Bans Video Cameras From Town Halls!

More evidence that Democrats treat inquiring constituents as the enemy!

It turns out that Representative David Scott screened town hall antendees for video cameras:

Here's this, from the sidebar at the YouTube:

U.S. Rep. Scott (13th District Of Georgia) would not allow any video taping of his town hall on Aug. 1 2009. The video shows the police chief confronting a constituent after he complained about not being able to bring in his own video camera. David Scott wanted to control all video regarding the event to keep any embarrassing moment's from getting on the internet. He has been named Tuesday as one of the 25 most "corrupt members of Congress" by a ethics watchdog group!
See also, Dakota Voice, "Rep David Scott Corrects Unruly Serf on Health Care":
It appears the socialists in Washington are trying a new tactic for dealing with non compliant Americans who won’t quietly acquiesce to having their freedoms taken away.

Droves of angry Americans have confronted their elected rulers, er, representatives at town hall meetings recently over their support of an unconstitutional government takeover of health care.

Some of these rulers are saying they just won’t hold anymore town hall meetings if the serfs are going to be so unruly.

Others say they’ll hold teleconferences where they can control all this icky freedom and democracy and keep it properly bottled up.

But Rep. David Scott (D-GA) seems to have a different approach: attack your constituents, lie and shoot your mouth off without having a clue of what you’re talking about.
See my previous entry, "Democratic Deliberation? Congressman David Scott's Town Hall Meltdown."

Hat Tip: Marooned in Marin, "
TV News Crew Catches Meltdown Democrat Rep. David Scott, While Ordinary Citizens Banned From Using Cameras."

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