Friday, August 7, 2009

Democratic Deliberation? Congressman David Scott's Town Hall Meltdown

This is a really mind-blogging report from WXIA-TV Atlanta, "Congressman Scott's Town Hall Meeting Meltdown":

U.S. Rep. David Scott (D-13th) was involved in what many called an embarrassing display of losing his temper at a town hall meeting in Douglasville last weekend.

In the meeting, Scott lost his temper and began yelling at a crowd that included two people who came forward during the question-and-answer portion of the meeting to ask Scott about his stance on the health care plan proposed by the White House and being debated on Capitol Hill.

The city of Douglasville taped the event and you can see Scott become increasingly agitated after a question about health care.

At one point he chastized some in the crowd for "hijacking" the meeting.

11Alive News has found the Douglas County doctor who posed one of the questions. Dr. Brian E. Hill, a urologist, said he simply wanted to know Congressman Scott's stance on government-provided insurance.

"I did not go to a meeting to create any problem. I simply have real questions about the quality of health care my patients are going to get not just now, but down the line," Hill said.
You know, the tea partyers have really been getting to the Democrats. The media-masters, party hacks, and lefty bloggesr have come up with every name in the book to smear and demonize regular citizens - and the vitriol is seeping into mainstream reporting, for example today, when CBS called citizen activists "teabaggers." And the Dems are arguing that all of a sudden democratic delibration is on the line when regular folks aren't getting their questions answered and they're getting mad. Democratic theory doesn't hold that flared tempers are undemocratic.

Just today, in
a widely-cited essay, Stephen Pearlstein argued:

Health reform is a test of whether this country can function once again as a civil society -- whether we can trust ourselves to embrace the big, important changes that require everyone to give up something in order to make everyone better off. Republican leaders are eager to see us fail that test.
That is teh stupid if there ever was any!

Why isn't President Obama reaching out to answer those who have legitimate questions, instead of making threats about gathering the names of those spreading "disinformation"? This administration is the utlimate in amateurish nighmare! This country is now way worse off under the Democrats - and considering the serious problems the GOP left the country, that's saying a lot.

This man at the clip, Brian Hill, a doctor, is exactly the kind of deliberative patriot all the Democrats keep idealizing as what's missing from the town hall rallies. And what does he get? A U.S. congressman pointing fingers and screaming at him for "hijacking" the meeting? Man, that's low. David Scott epitimizes not just what's wrong with the Dems, but what's wrong with the Democratic majority in Congress. Expect to see clips of him in upcoming debates, now and throughout 2010.

Democratic Party hypocrisy on democratic deliberation. Priceless.

I'm becoming increasingly convinced that Barack Obama shooting himself in the foot, and dooming himself to a one-term presidency. He'll be remembered as leaving one of the worst legacies of divisiveness in American history.

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