Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dems Pledge to Continue ObamaCare Town Halls

From the Washington Post, "Democrats Say Angry Protesters Won't Derail Health-Care Town Halls":

President Obama and top Democrats on Wednesday vowed to push back against angry critics of their health-care overhaul, who have threatened to hijack the debate by purposefully disrupting town halls and other public events convened by Democratic lawmakers this week.

The leader of House Republicans responded by saying that "Democrats are in denial" in dismissing the objections as a fringe movement, "instead of acknowledging the widespread anger millions of Americans are feeling this summer." Conservative groups opposed to the health-care plan have asked their supporters to flood public gatherings featuring members of Congress. From Pennsylvania to Texas to Wisconsin, Democrats have been confronted in recent days by sometimes belligerent attacks against Obama's health-care plan. In one incident, on Maryland's Eastern Shore, an effigy of freshman Rep. Frank Kratovil Jr. (D-Md.) was hanged from a noose outside his district office.

The increasingly vocal opposition provoked Democrats to respond Wednesday.

The Democratic National Committee released a Web advertisement that alleges, "Desperate Republicans and their well-funded allies are organizing angry mobs" to "destroy President Obama and stop the change Americans voted for overwhelmingly in November."
More at the link.

See also, Hot Air, "
New DNC ad: Mobs of right-wing lunatics want to feast on your flesh."

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