Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Did Leftists Plant 'Heil Hitler' Heckler at Vegas Health Care Town Hall?

From William Jacobson, "Was 'Heil Hitler' Confrontation Staged?":

Think Progress, the Democratic policy and media-watch organization, broke the story that someone in the audience at a health care town hall in Las Vegas shouted "Heil Hitler" at an Israeli giving a talk about the Israeli system. Needless to say, the video is being spread to show that health care protesters are crazy/racist/anti-Semitic.But was this real or staged?

I cannot say definitively, but something is wrong here. The video shows the woman who shouted "Heil Hitler," in the screen shot below:

Check William's post for a photo of the same Israel Defense Forces t-shirt the woman is wearing (available at Judaism.com). (See also Memeorandum.)

The ObamaPlants have Astroturfed everything else. I'm partial to
William's point that "How convenient that this shout was made only when the Israeli was being interviewed for television."

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