Monday, August 3, 2009

Dogging Lloyd Doggett: 'Just Say No' to Obamacare!

Via The Astute Bloggers, here's the video of the eruption of protest against Congressman Lloyd Doggett's town hall at a supermarket in Austin on Saturday. Listen to the angry demonstrators chanting, "just say no":

Here's this from Bob McCarty Writes:

Rep Doggett met with constituents outside a grocery store in south Austin regarding the health care bill. Apparently the event was mostly advertised in liberal leaning local publications. He did not bring a megaphone, so hearing what he had to say was difficult. When he started making the move to leave, the crowd erupted chanting “Just say no!” His worker got the car ready to shuttle him away but the crowd surrounded it and it took a while for him to get out of the parking lot. The whole time, the “Just say no!” chant continued. It probably won’t matter – from his facial expression, body language, and what was heard to come out of his mouth, he’s for the the health care bill in its present form and has no openness to change on that.”
Also, check CBS News, "Rally Interrupts Dem Rep.'s Health Care Town Hall."

Note how the left is in full panic mode, e.g., at Think Progress, "Angry Right Harasses Rep. Lloyd Doggett With Anti-Health Care Chants," and "Durbin Responds to Lobbyist-Run Efforts to Harass Town Halls …"

But as Phillip Klein indicates:

The liberal effort to discredit American citizens who are expressing their views on an issue of vital importance is completely without merit, but it is instructive. It tells us that liberals know that despite their tremendous advantages in terms of resources and power in Washington, they are losing the health care messaging war. It’s becoming clear that Americans are not ready for a government takeover of the health care system, and they aren’t going to sit by idly while Democrats ram it down their throats.
More at Memeorandum. And, Ed Morrissey, "Three Videos Show Why ObamaCare is in Trouble."


Local O.C. organizers are preparing a protest against Representative Loretta Sanchez tomorrow morning - and lobbyists are not organizing the event! Here's the information (get there early):
Aug 4 Tuesday 8am-9:30am, Newport Beach: Breakfast with Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez! Balboa Bay Club 1221 West Coast Hwy., Newport Beach
Special Guests: Members of Congress to be announced! Suggested contribution: Individual Tickets $100 Table of 8 $1000 Individual Sponsor $2400 PAC Sponsor $5000 Please RSVP to Kelly Martinez at 714-832-4431 or
Also, here's the Merriam-Webster entry for "dogging" (I'd never heard of Urban Dictionary's version before, so I wanted to be clear).

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