Monday, August 10, 2009

Epic Fail: Obama and the Politics of Personal Destruction

From Jennier Rubin, "Obama and the Politics of Personal Destruction":

The president and his party are in a fix.

At their moment of great political ascendancy — when they control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue and a recession has rocked faith in free market capitalism — they still can’t get the country to go along with their big government schemes.

Each day brings a new batch of bad polling news for the president. The public is wary of his spending, is convinced he is too liberal, and doesn’t much care for ObamaCare. Meanwhile, the speaker of the house has Dick Cheney-like poll numbers and the Democrats’ generic poll numbers have slid.

Under such circumstances, the only reasonable thing to do is attack the voters and the Republican Party. That at least seems to be the conclusion reached by the Obama White House, which now is convinced that smearing citizens who bother to come to town hall meetings and painting their opponents as intransigent critics of all reform — or as fruitcakes — are the keys to success.

And from Obama himself, the once presidential candidate who wanted to have civil discourse and get beyond name calling, the message to his critics is: “get out of the way.” Anyone who disagrees with ObamaCare is now a crank, a stooge, or an obstructionist. Even the Washington Post editors have had quite enough of the “round-up-the-usual-suspects demagoguery.”

Read the whole thing (link).

I've been blogging the administration's epic fail on ObamaCare for weeks now. Click around at the tags for additional entries.

See also the unbelievable USA Today essay from Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer, "
‘Un-American’ Attacks Can't Derail Health Care Debate" (via Memeorandum).

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