Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Left's Masters of Disaster

From Nikki's blog, "Master-Haters and Master-Debaters:

I love liberals, I really do. They are America's retarded little step-brothers and sisters that we tolerate because Jesus wants us to be kind to our enemies. I think this health care debate is so fun to watch from the sidelines. Mostly because Obama's approval rating is worse than America's first retarded cousin, George W. Bush's at this stage of the game. I have written before about how extreme popularity is not good for any politician, it just gets the other side buzzing like hornets. This time its rightfully so. That probably sounds pompous and arrogant, but democrats ARE always wrong. I don't make the rules, I only point them out and try to enforce them. Suck on that lemon demon-ocrats.

It isn't shocking that when faced with disagreement and opposition the left turns to the HATER AND NAZI plan. We aren't debating, we are hating. Plan B, Operation Nazi racist, is the go to guy when things get rough for the demotards. First, assocrats start trolling Town Hall meetings and paint swastickas on donkey signs and yell Nazi stuff at the drunk Nancy Pelosi and blame it on the phants. This is the oldest trick in the book. You see republicans actually have jobs and pay for all your donkey shit, so we don't have time to spray paint. Plan C goes even further, You see it goes like this, how can anyone hate Obama? He is our first black President and that in itself should keep all the right-wing haters in check. It is after all our job to make sure Obama succeeds and only lefty white people can guarantee that for our good little negro. Remember the hissy fit by the media when Rush Limbaugh wanted to see Obama fail? It was as though someone had punched Mother Theresa in the face and called her a bitch in front of the Pope and then it was blasted all over YouTube. Chris Matthews wet himself he was so traumatized. Who doesn't want this worthless health care plan to fail at this point? Are we all haters because we don't like the government taking over our lives? People don't want the government to say who can and can't get married and yet we will soon have a government telling us that granny with the bad hip is old and gonna die anyway so she CAN'T HAVE THAT HIP? Are you liberals retarded? OOPS, yes you are.
More at the link.

Cartoon Credit: William Warren at Americans for Limited Government.

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