Thursday, August 6, 2009

More Democratic Disinformation on ObamaCare: Jane Hamsher, MSNBC's David Shuster Tweak Outdated Poll to Claim '76 Percent Want Public Option'

Jane Hamsher and David Shuster teamed-up on MSNBC yesterday to spread lies about public support for ObamaCare:

At one point, Hamsher claims that "76 percent" of Americans want the public option; and Shuster, in the wrap up, asks what's up with the Democrats, "they can't push through a public option that most of these people want"?

Behold more Democratic healthcare lies. Hamsher's referencing the data cited at her Firedoglake post yesterday, "
Democratic “Infighting,” Or Keeping Blue Dogs From Selling Out Health Care?" That entry cites a June NBC/Wall Street Journal survey that found 76 percent agreeing it was important that health care reform include a "choice of both a public plan administered by the federal government and a private plan for their health insurance."

Not only is that finding badly outdated, you can't stretch it to argue that 76 percent of the country wants "a public plan to compete with the private insurance industry, because they hate them and don't trust their health care to them,"
as does Hamsher at her post.

It's not just sneaky, it's a lie. Hamsher's citing two-month old polling data

Subsequent subsequent surveys have rounded out the picture quite a bit, and conservative activism has taken a toll on the administration's popular support.

For example, see Gallup's report from mid-July, "
More Disapprove Than Approve of Obama on Healthcare." Also, in July, Rasmussen reported, "Cost, Not Universal Coverage, is Top Health Care Concern for Voters."

a CNN poll out yesterday found that "eight out of 10 people are satisfied with their own health care and nearly three out of four are happy with their own insurance." Also, a 44 percent plurality agreed that Obama's "proposals would help other families in this country, but would not help you and your family." Note too, as today's Quinnipiac University National Poll indicates, 52 percent of Americans disapprove of the way the administration is handling health care reform.

The truth is that Democrats are desperate, and they'll do just about anything to try to win the battle over media-framing and public opinion.

Related: The Washington Post, "
Senators Closer To Health Package: Bipartisan Talks On Reform Move Toward Center." See also, Pundit & Pundette, "Maybe They're Just Crazy?," and Ed Morrissey, "Say, Isn’t This Astroturfing?" (via Memeorandum).

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