Saturday, August 15, 2009

Obama Health Care Address: Admitting Defeat, President Lashes Out Against 'Those Who Would Stand in the Way of Reform'

Here's President Obama's weeky address, focusing on ObamaCare:

At about 3:25 minutes, Obama claims that "those who would stand in the way of reform will say almost anything." That's pretty rich coming from the most dishonest president in history.

But crucially, the president is implicitly admitting he's lost the debate over his administration's plans for healthcare nationalization. We saw the shift in political framing yesterday: The gist of presidential rhetoric is moving away from the healthcare "system" to the "health insurance industry." Obama's trying to focus on the sob stories of the uninsured to build heartbreak sympathy for his colossal ObamaCare takeover. It's fundamentally phony.

Yesterday's Washington Post caught the dynamic, "
Obama Pushes Insurance Reforms
As He Hits the Road, President Finds Few Openings to Confront Critics of Plan

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