Monday, August 17, 2009

Opposition to ObamaCare Based on 'White Racial Resentment'?

Allahpundit's got a devastating analysis of CNN anchor Don Lemon's total collapse of professional objectivity. Check the video at the post. Lemon berates the gentleman he's interviewing for using the phrase "real Americans." As Allahpundit notes:

All this poor guy meant by “real” is that the people at Obama’s town halls were true grassroots activists who went on their own initiative, not as fronts for the White House or some conservative astroturf operation. After three weeks of being smeared every which way as flakes and phonies by the guardians of tolerance, capped by Madam Speaker calling shouters un-American, who can blame him for stressing the point?

Also, check out this video below, which features Lemon's CNN interview with author Tim Wise, who argues that there's a political background of "white racial resentment" to the public's opposition to ObamaCare:

Be sure to listen to Wise all the way through. He attacks conservatives as telling "lies" and for sending "Sarah Palin out there with a head full of nothing."

What's especially interesting is there's no follow-up commentary on the family interviewed at the beginning of the clip. The mom and boy both show their exasperation at being called "racist." It's to the point that white Americans will forever pay penance for the racial sins of previous generations, even after the U.S. sustained what was essentially a second American revolution on race relations in the 1960s. It's really awful, and this response by the left to grassroots activism on the right will ultimate boomerang in a supreme backlash against both Democratic ideology and policy. (We're already seeing that today in the new survey data that's out finding "conservative" as the most common political identification in all fifty states.)

Wise also attacks the Hitler posters of the Lyndon LaRouche forces, who are Johnny-come-lately entries into the tea party arena - as ginning up this "white racial paranoia." He also selectively cites political science research to support his notion that this is all about race. But as I've pointed out many times over the last couple of years, it's the left that's totally consumed by race, and it's the left that turns every political dispute into an outrageous instance of anti-minority bigotry. And more importantly, I've been on the ground all year participating in and blogging about the tea parties and town halls. The outrage on the right is specifically not about race and all about the economic and culture war that progressive radicals are raining down on this country. Liberty means something important to people, and we're seeing the most substantial grassroots movement in generations precisely at the time that genuinely "real" Americans of everyday background see a tyrannical power grab in the healthcare sector, where the "crisis" is manufactured and "solution" is anti-freedom.

Of course, the radical leftists - including Daily Kos, which is so typically hypocritical - are eating this stuff up (check here and here).

Also, let me remind readers of Matt Welch's recent and essential round-up, "Notes From the Health Care Debate Fascist Race War." The demonization of whites as implacably evil racists is only going to continue. The more dramatic is President Obama's epic failure, the vehement will be the left's allegations of racial bigotry.

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