Sunday, August 9, 2009

Peter Dreier: 'Democrats Need More (Polite) Protests' - Right, and Conservatives Need More Earplugs!

From Peter Dreier, "We Need More Protest to Make Reform Possible":

Since Obama took office, there have been very few public expressions of discontent. We've heard very little about everyday Americans--workers facing layoffs and the loss of health insurance, jobless Americans exhausting their unemployment insurance, renters facing eviction, homeowners facing foreclosures, farmers losing their farms, high school students facing cuts in school programs and college students facing rising tuition--mobilizing to demand immediate action to end their hardship and suffering ....

This week, in response to the right-wing mob attacks on Democratic legislators, Obama wrote to the 13 million people on his OFA e-mail list and asked them to commit to attend at least one event this month to show support for his healthcare plan.

These polite activities are necessary, but they don't create a sense of urgency or crisis. With some exceptions, they don't generate TV stories and newspaper headlines ....

How can progressives help put an end to this legislative gridlock?
Well, how about blowing out the eardrums of conservative town hall protesters!

"Polite activities," indeed!

From El Marco, "
Nancy and the Astroturfers":

Here comes our community organizer with his bullhorn. For the next half hour or more, he will chant “FREE HEALTH CARE NOW”, “YES WE CAN” etc. with his horn directed at the faces of the health care dissenters.

During the election, on September 17, 2008, at a campaign stop in Nevada, Obama said “I want you to argue with them (neighbors) and get in their face”.

What we see here is “astroturfing” or manufactured fake grassroots. The dissenters are genuinely concerned and informed about their health care but they maintain their civility. The DNC knows their anger is real and they are desperately trying to deligitimize dissent by claiming it’s paid for “by insurance corporations” yet they don’t name a single one or provide evidence.

It’s David Axelrod, Obama’s senior advisor, who is famous for inventing AstroTurfing ...

This woman worked in tandem with the other organizer and blasted the same people from behind. These bullhorns are extremely powerful. I saw demonstrators repeatedly ask them to point their bullhorns away. This woman in particular responded by moving the bullhorn closer to a woman who complained of ear pain.

Obama, on March 18, said “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry. I’m angry. What I want us to do, though, is channel our anger in a constructive way.“


With the "constructive way" the ObamaThugs are protesting, conservatives are going to need RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY on their eardrums!

More at
Looking at the Left.

See also, Atlas Shrugs, "
Your Taxpayer Dollars at Work! Obama is Paying the Thugs and Activists Using Schemes, Ads and Other Scams."

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