Monday, August 10, 2009

White House Launches New 'Fight the Smears' Website for ObamaCare

ObamaCare's going down in flames, and the administration is freaking.

From Fox News, "
White House Launches Web Site to Battle Health Care 'Rumors'":

The Obama administration has launched a new Web site to battle what it calls "wild rumors" about the health care reform plans being pushed through Congress -- including an invitation for the public to tattle on any other "myths" they come across.

It comes a week after the White House asked the public to send in "fishy" information about health care reform.

The Web site, activated Monday, uses the same set-up as the "Fight the Smears" page the Obama campaign maintained last year to battle rumors seen as potentially damaging to his candidacy.

The new "
Reality Check" site site features a half-dozen alleged rumors about health care reform, responding to them with videos of top aides rebutting them.

"We're offering the site and tools to empower individuals across the country to take this content into their own hands and share it among their networks," a senior administration official said.

"That's the sort of bottom-up process that got us to the White House, and it's what's going to deliver meaningful change to the health insurance system."
That "senior administration official" sounds like Linda Douglass, the ObamaCare propagandist who took whithering fire this weekend while defending the snitch program at the White House.

Also, from Rasmussen Reports, "
On Health Care, 51% Fear Government More Than Insurance Companies" (via Memeorandum).

Image Credit: Dana Loesch, "
Seen All Over Missouri."

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