Sunday, April 4, 2010

Democrats Faking Hate Crimes

Mark Steyn provides his usual exceptional analysis, "The Democrats' Fake Hate Crime" (via Memeorandum):

I disagree with John Lewis (Democrat, Georgia) politically but I have always respected him as a genuine civil rights warrior. And I feel slightly queasy at the thought that he would dishonor both the movement and his own part in it for the cheapest of partisan points - in the same way I would be disgusted by a Holocaust survivor painting a swastika on his own door and blaming it on his next-door neighbor over a boundary dispute.

But that's what the Democratic Party has been reduced to - faking hate crimes as pathetically as any lonely, mentally ill college student. Congressmen Carson, Lewis, Cleaver and the rest have turned themselves into the Congressional equivalent of the Duke University stripper. Except that they're not some penniless loser but a group of important, influential lifetime legislators enjoying all the privileges and perquisites of power, and in all probability acting at the behest of the Democrat leadership.

Isn't that what societies with functioning media used to call "a story"?
But for added, devastating effect, don't miss Doug Ross, "Timeline: Anatomy of a Tea Party Smear by the Democrat-Media Complex."

Video Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit, "Call Off the Race Hustlers… The Black Caucus Members Lied."

And don't forget previously, Jack Cashill, "How Quickly Spread the Tea Party Smear."

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