Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hate Comments at American Power

I haven't seen these in a while. I've been moderating comments periodically, and this particular commenter is not new, although the focus is not so much the regular "neocon hatred" as generalized racism and anti-Semitism. Ugly to know, but it's out there ...

the comments at my post WikiLeaks Update: How the Leftist Media Massacres Truth and Helps America's Enemies":
Anonymous said...

Dark skinned savage, it's not surprising that your inate [sic] law of the jungle sees nothing wrong in the video.

The race that inhabits Saudi Arabia and Yemen is the same race as Donald Douglas, a race of strange semitic grudges and sadistic posturing. Donald Douglas is genetic jihadism, the same biological impulses that drive an Arab (basically an ancient mix of black and white) to jihad drives Donald Douglas' ideology, an ideology that is foreign and disgusting in the eyes of anyone of European stock in tune with his own true blood based culture.

The demonic cuban Donald Douglas does not believe in Iraqi's right to bare arms to defend themselves against a foreign aggressor, this ideology is more in line with the Iraqis themselves, stable Arab society is based on authoritarian control. Where is your defense of Iraqi gun rights Donald?

His politics is genetically, inescapable authoritarianism, look at the governments of his racial equals! Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Cuba...

April 7, 2010 3:29 PM
And a follow-up:
Anonymous said...

Apparently, this is an atrocity speaks to white blood.

Notice that the Cubanoid Donald Douglas justifies such acts in the name of "wrong place wrong time", the same excuse that someone Saddam would use while rounding up a dissident and his neighbors for execution. Donald Douglas is racially on the same page as the Arab tyrants, Arab authoritarianism runs through his veins because authoritarianism is the only way dark skinned people such as himself get a stable society.

Whites however, are uniquely genetically endowed with the stability for limited government.

The Jew-S military are not sky gods who decide who lives and who dies, "our will is law". That is semitic spearchuckerism.

You look dark and jewish as hell in your avatar, let your picture be a beacon call to deluted whites who still support the GOP, this is your party.

April 7, 2010 3:41 PM
This prick's been trolling the comments for years, always anonymous, and in fact he was banned previously when I used Haloscan. Future comments of this sort will be deleted, naturally, although I'm leaving them unmoderated for the moment, I'd appreciated if regular readers could flag these for me. My e-mail's at the Blogger profile in the sidebar.

P.S. These views are not that far from the ideological positions of folks like Mike Tuggle or Daniel Larison. Same hatred, same ideology.

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