Monday, April 12, 2010

Hypocrisy of the 'Tolerant' Left

At Left Coast Rebel, "Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome or the Hypocrisy of the 'Tolerant' Left?"

Perhaps it is a case of both. Boston talk show host Michael Graham found a contest of Sarah Palin 'signs' to commemorate her appearance at a Boston Tea Party event on April 14.
Then LCR points us to the Weekly Dig, with this "winning" submission at left. And the editors note:
Known only as "g80", the winner of our Palin protest sign contest delivers the perfect balance of humor, striking protest design and good old fashioned WTF appeal. Keep your ears open for details on Palin's Boston visit on 4/14.
"Perfect balance"?

Yeah. Right.

As I've said many times: Nothing, and I do mean nothing, matches the extreme hate and secular demonology on the left.

See more of the "entries" at Michael Graham, "
An Angry Progressive’s Picture Is Worth A Thousand “Angry, Right-Wing” Words," and Gateway Pundit, "Hateful East Coast Leftists Attack Sarah Palin Before Her Boston Rally… Media Silent." (Via Memeorandum.)

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