Friday, April 16, 2010

LAT Buries Tea Party Coverage; KABC-LA Slams 'Racist Teabaggers'; NYT Boosts Same-Sex 'Health Rights', 'Misunderstood Immigrants'!

Hey, the folks at Media Matters are keeping busy!

Talk about in the tank!


The Los Angeles Times buried its tea party coverage on "Page AA4" of this morning's paper. There's a teaser shot at the front of the "breaking" news supplement, but as you can see, the main article gets relegated to the obituary page. I'll update when the family of longtime NAACP leader Benjamin Hooks, who passed away on Thursday, complains of being lumped right next to those "racist teabaggers":



And this piece at local KABC Los Angeles is in totally OMFG territory. You gotta watch it to believe it. Tea partiers are RAAACIST!!

And check out the front page at this morning's New York Times:


While the nationwide tea party protests get consigned to "SECTION A - PAGE 17," readers are treated to the Obama administration's expansion of "medical visitation rights" for same-sex couples, and a second article debunks the "common perception" that recent immigrants are low-skilled manual laborers. Nope. No illegal alien bordercrossing strawberry pickers here. Move along.

You know how it is: Those lefty newspapers love them some "empathy" for the downtrodden gay and immigrant communities!

Fuhgettabout those tens of thousands of anti-tax protesters nationwide, those damned racist teabaggers!

Instapundit. See also, Ann Althouse, Doug Ross, Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Left Coast Rebel, Nice Deb, Michelle Malkin (via Memeorandum), and The Other McCain.

The Right Reasons.

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