Monday, April 12, 2010

New Questions Plague WikiLeaks 'Collateral Murder' Allegations

See, "WikiLeak Miscaptions Photos, Misleads Public."

claims this picture was the second to the last photo taken by Reuters cameraman Namir Noor-Eldeen. And Reuters published it "28 months ago," with this caption:
RNPS PICTURES OF THE YEAR - One of the last pictures taken by Reuters Iraqi photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen before he was killed on July 12, 2007 shows two old women dressed in black walking towards a window pierced by a bullet in the al-Amin al-Thaniyah neighbourhood of Baghdad. U.S. soldiers took Noor-Eldeen's two digital cameras from the scene after he was killed. The military returned them to Reuters on Sunday.


Check Jawa Report for the rundown. There's a lot wrong here, and especially the fact that the streets were completely empty of civilians and children during the time of the Apache firefight. Not only that, the Pentagon published some of the final Reuters pictures that day, but none featuring adjacent humvees. Different scenarios can be hypothesized. Recall this image from the Pentagon's investigation:


WikiLeaks whole delegitimation campaign's supposed to be about getting at the truth. Not funny, but that's a lie. Whatever explains the discrepancies between the various published photos, the fact remains that -- as we've seen over and over again -- context kills the "Collateral Murder" smear campaign.

See also, "
WikiLeaks’ Theories Are Full of Holes."

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