Sunday, April 11, 2010

WikiLeaks Update: Focus on RPG Threat to Apache Gunship

Wanna know how much leftists hate the military? There's over 10,000 comments at Huffington Post's initial entry on WikiLeaks. It's like another world over there, all hatred and ignorance:
A true warrior is willing to look his adversary in the eyes. What we see here is techno-chickens#!t terrorism, and makes us no better than "AQ" ...

I didn't read all that much of the thread. It's too long. But over and over again this last week, throughout my coverage, I've seen folks decry the "evil' Americans and the "heartless murderers." But when the totality of evidence is considered, we know, of course, that U.S. forces engaged AIF in firefights all morning; that ground contingents were nearby and in direct communication with the Apache gunship; that the AWT captain received the go ahead each time before opening fire; that the unmarked van had been transporting insurgents throughout the day; that the children were placed in harm's way as human shields; and that the Americans evaculated them immediately for medical treatment.

And leftists have been up in the air that U.S. forces "celebrated" their "kills." And damn straight right! An RPG will take down the birds, so vividly recounted in "Black Hawk Down":

But for an especially revealing leftist take on the debate, recall the post at Crooked Timber.

And check this out from CT's Henry Farrell, a poltical scientist at GWU, who banned "The Americanist," who's well-informed. Checking the thread, Americanist isn't at all abusive, but here's this from Henry:
theAmericanist – speaking of growing up, I think it is time for a time-out. You’re banned from commenting on threads here for the next 72 hours (i.e. until 2pm ET Tuesday), and I expect you to be calmer and more considerate to your fellow commenters when you come back. Any efforts to post in the interim will be considered grounds for a permanent ban.
I don't see an intervening comment, but here's Henry nevertheless, at 10:02pm PST:
TheAmericanist – we have pretty straightforward rules here – and pretty straightforward solutions for those who deliberately flout them. You are now permanently banned from Crooked Timber. Any further posts from you will be deleted on sight. Goodbye.
Actually, the thread's not all that ugly. Scroll back up to comment #66 and The Americanist calls Henry's kids "assholes." Shoot, that's nothing. And Americanist's just mocking 'em at #97.

But, uh oh, at #108 he tells one of the commenters to "grow the fuck up." Except that's not what got him banned. Americanist got banned for having a decent argument about winning the war, an argument THAT'S COMPLETELY ALIEN to Crooked Timber's mindless haters. Fact is, Henry can't have folks upsetting the narrative, and it's not like Henry doesn't know how it all works. He's an expert on
blog readership, partisanship and deliberation -- except he's not so great himself on the deliberation part.

RELATED: "A leaked video of wartime atrocities sparks a media firestorm and raises questions about the accuracy and validity of new media."

BONUS: Kathy at Moderate Voice amply demonstrates her complete cluelessness. See, "'We Were Fighting To Make It Home Alive'."

TOTALLY PREDICTABLE: "ASSHATS" at LAT "call for WikiLeaks investigation."

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