Monday, August 23, 2010

The Climate Change Industry Keeps Digging

You know what they say about holes — when you find yourself in one, stop digging. The climate change commies haven't figured that one out. So, well, just go read this post: "James Cameron — King of Hypocrites." You'll see what I mean.

Plus, at The Hill, "
Director James Cameron calls climate change skeptics 'swine'." (Via Memeorandum.)
James Cameron, director of the eco-tinged smash film Avatar, on Sunday called global warming skeptics “swine” at a renewable energy conference in Aspen, Colo., according to a news report.

“I think they're swine,” he said at the American Renewable Energy Day Summit,
the Aspen Times reported.
Kinda like being smeared as racist, but as that slur lost its punch, perhaps a more animalistic classification is needed. (Leftists are generally bad people, as I've said — but most of those on the Democrat side of things just hafta figure that out on their own.)

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