Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Obama Ends Operation Iraqi Freedom

I anticipated the president's address in my previous post, "President Barack Obama Claims Credit on Iraq War." I can't add too much here, except to reiterate that I'm ashamed at Obama's political posturing. I'm ashamed at Obama's political opportunism, and I wish for a larger purpose than this poor president can hope to provide for those who've sacrificed for a better Iraq and for a better future for the Iraqis. It's no surprise that America's servicemen and women share this disappointment in this president's abject leadership in wartime. See, "Troops Yet to Give Obama Full Salute."

See also Michelle, "Barack Obama on Iraq: Then and Now." Glenn Reynolds has a nice roundup of reactions: "What Obama Said About the Surge When it Mattered."

And more at New York Slimes and

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