Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Axis of Pedophilia: Former Conservative David Frum Protests 'Vicious, Invasive and Outrageous' Bullying While Cutting Loose Pervy Protégé Alex Knepper

David "Axis of Evil" Frum, the one-time presidential speechwriter, and now disgraced former conservative who was ignominiously dismissed from AEI, has charted new territory in RINO douchebaggery with his sleazy take-no-responsibility faux firing of proven pedophile and FrumForum blogger Alex Knepper. See "About Alex Knepper."


It's amazing that I need to even comment, but it's clear that moral clarity on the other side has been entirely absent. And it's really simple. The evidence of Alex Knepper's pedophilia is exquisitely detailed at NewsReal Blog: "David Frum and His Pro-Pedophile Protege Alex Knepper." It's devastating. The report exposes a depth of moral depravity --- with graphic evidence of Alex Knepper's predation of pre- and post-pubescent children --- that left many readers turning away in uncontrollable fits of nausea. Unbelievable is an appropriate word here. It seems netherworldly just to read through some of Knepper's thinking, that for example, "sexy kids" are "the main cause of pedophilia," and that "the best thing about having sex with 28 year olds" is that "there's 20 of them." And it makes no difference if Knepper frequented this gay hookup board three years ago or last week, which is one of the defenses that both David Frum and Alex Knepper have offered. Who can honestly say that proclaiming "CHILF lust" is a wholesome attribute in either a male adolescent teenager of a young man of 20 years-old, which is Alex Knepper's age today? And the allegations that critics are motivated by homophobia is absurd. No parent wants their children to become victims of sexual predators. Indeed, this fact is perhaps the most frightening thing about David Frum's fauxpology. Not once does the formerly conservative Frum denounce the sheer perversion and imminent catastrophic danger inherent in it.

For example,
Frum actually attacks David Swindle and the NewsReal establishment for mounting an alleged assault on Alex Knepper's character, as if there were any moral character left to assault:
NewsRealBlog’s behavior in this case was vicious, invasive and outrageous. I wonder what would remain of the reputations of NewsRealBlog’s editors if their expectations of privacy were ripped away, if their private emails were published, their sexual fantasies and peculiarities exposed to public view.

NewsRealBlog’s editors have fused high school cyber-bullying and New Left character assassination. They have relentlessly harried and pursued somebody himself only months out of his own adolescence. They bombarded him with accusations long before they did the snooping that provided their squalid evidence. They have sought to destroy a career in the midst of the worst job market for young journalists since the 1930s, all to settle a private score.
Readers will recall that I have no axe to grind. See my previous report: "Alex Knepper, FrumForum Blogger, Fired by Daily Caller Over Pedophile Controversy." I've been an acquaintance to Alex Knepper for nearly two years, and I hadn't much knowledge of the earlier controversy of Knepper's dismissal from NewsReal Blog. I'm interested now because I'm utterly flabbergasted at the refusal of those defending Alex Knepper to see what's really going on here. This incident dramatically demonstrates the incredible degree of social degradation in America today, that for example among leftists there's widespread acceptance of the notion that homosexual males of legal age have a right to sexual intercourse with 16 year-old boys. The question of "age of consent" is irrelevant. Such actions are morally illicit, and to advertise the lifestyle and celebrate the CHILF-Y conquests makes a grotesque mockery of the hopes for childhood justice. These pedophilia apologists endanger all children. Where is David Frum's outrage? When events like this come to light people of good will and moral righteousness have a responsibility to stand up. That is exactly what David Swindle has done. He has both my congratulations and support.

RELATED: See Calvin Freiburger, "The Shameless Hypocrisy of Character Assassin David Frum."

ADDED: Dan Riehl, "Frum Drops Knepper, Excuses His Lying, While Blaming NewsRealBlog."

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