Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear — UPDATED!!

I'm watching the live feed at Comedy Central.

The crowd is huge:


Looks like it's all about fun and games:


Great coverage from Brittany Cohan, who posted some pics earlier:


Tania Gail should have photos posted a bit later, and I'll update. Meanwhile, expect a lot of leftist chatter about how the crowd for Stewart's rally beats Beck's rally, blah, blah ... Just know that photos won't be comparable, since Restore Sanity has gathered in front of the Capitol building rather than the Lincoln Memorial. Media Matters is going freak out anyway. Check back for updates.

RELATED: At New York Times, "
Live Blog: ‘Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear’" (via Memeorandum).


UPDATE: Screencap of Ozzy Osbourne and Yusuf Islam:


And Meredith Jessup tweets:


Speaking of Wikipedia ... there's an entry for "Restore Sanity."

More on Yusuf Islam: "Cat Stevens Appearance at Sanity Rally Rankles Right Winger."

ADDED: From Aaron Worthing, "WTF?! Islamofascist at the Rally to Restore Sanity?! (Update: A trip Down Memory Lane with Stewart and South Park; Salman Rushdie on Yusuf Islam; Video: Yusuf Islam on Wishing He Could Burn Rushdie Alive)."

More pictures, via Jenn Q. Public:


Death to right-wingers, but in a nice way. Kinda like "humane" executions:


Here's Colbert's entry:

Okay, this is the moment I've been waiting for: My most excellent blog-buddy Skye at Midnight Blue is uploading her photos, via Twitter:

Rally to Restore Sanity

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire


Okay, MFM reports coming in, e.g., at WaPo, "Rally to Restore Sanity: 'If We Amplify Everything, We Hear Nothing'."

More pics, from
Mollie Hemingway:

Rally to Restore Sanity

The Rally for Sanity folks have their history backwards:

Rally to Restore Sanity

And you don't see stuff like this at the tea parties:

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

And here's a bit on crowd size, at WSJ, "Counting the Crowd: Hard to Do for Jon Stewart’s Rally." I tweeted along these lines this morning.


And Gateway Pundit has the overhead crowd comparison, and it's clearly no contest:


Okay, now more photos coming in from Skye at Midnight Blue, on Flickr:


Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Rally to Restore Sanity


More at Midnight Blue and Flickr.

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