Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ayatollah Al-Charles of Little Green Footballs

It turns out that Ayatollah Al-Charles Johnson of Little Green Hateballs can't scrub fast enough. Here's an early Little Green Hateballs entry rightly taking issue with Britain's far left-wing Guardian newspaper: "Al-Guardian Gives Insanity a Bad Name" (safe link).


And here's Al-Charles's piece today on the previously loathed Al-Guardian: "Pamela Geller and the bloggers of hate."


Al-Charles cross-posted Al-Guardian to Little Green Hateballs, along with this:
Here’s my first piece for the Guardian’s “Comment is free” site: Pamela Geller and the bloggers of hate. (I didn’t pick that title, but it fits pretty well.)

I’ll cross-post the article here (including its British spellings), but you should also check out the comments at Cif; some of them are interesting. (And of course, now that I’ve posted the link, you can expect some of the usual stalkers to show up there too.)
And it looks like Ayatollah Al-Charles has no control over the objective comments at Al-Guardian, as we see this one, which is perfect:

Geller is not against Muslims, she is against sharia law in the west. Unlike Imam Rauf. Her tone may not be sweet enough for some but Johnson is the hater in this story, not so much Geller.


And Pamela's having a field day with this, "New Career of a Madman: Johnson Shrieks, 'My site gave Geller Her 'break' on the web'" (via Memeorandum):

Talk about a hot mess. Chuck Johnson has penned his first full length column for the notoriously anti-semitic UK paper, The Guardian, and what is the object of his crazy? Why, Pamela Geller, of course. It's come full circle now.

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