Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bill Clinton Stands In for Barack Obama So Voters Will Forget They Hate Democrats, Or Something

I was thinking about this yesterday, on the way home from covering the protest against Loretta Sanchez: We sure haven't seen President Barack Obama out an the hustings much this season. But former President Bill Clinton is all over the place, stumping for candidates from East to West. The Los Angeles Times has a write on up Clinton's appearance last night at UCLA, where he tried to fire up the crowd for gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown and lieutenant governor's candidate Gavin Newsom:

Former President Clinton campaigned across Southern California on Friday, urging Democrats to shake off their moribund mind-set and head to the polls so the Obama administration can finish the job it started.

Clinton told thousands of listeners at an evening rally at UCLA that they bear responsibility for the nation's future.

"It is not enough to have voted for a new president if you will not help him govern and stick behind the members of Congress who stood for him," Clinton said as a light drizzle began to fall. "I am pleading with you, you need to go out and tell everyone who is not here tonight that any college student in the state of California that doesn't vote in this election is committing malpractice on your own future."

Bill Clinton

It's an odd campaign strategy, but sensible in the end. Clinton was out trying to get voters to take their minds off the failed Obama administration and the disastrous Democrat Congress. Clinton naturally blamed Bush administration policies and told the crowds to think of wonderful "ideas" of how big government really works, really!

At the John King video clip (at about 3:00 minutes), Gloria Borger says it must be wonderful for Bill Clinton, "because suddenly he is in more demand than the President of the United States."


PHOTO CREDIT: Left Coast Rebel.

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