Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bogani Masuku at BDS Quebec Conference

See "BDS Conference Sponsors Turning A Blind Eye To Hate?" (Via Moose and Squirrel.)
Why are organizational sponsors of the BDS Quebec Conference happening in Montreal this month associating themselves with Bongani Masuku, judged by the South African Human Rights Commission as guilty of anti-Semitic hate speech? Perhaps because Masuku’s hateful positions are precisely in line with what the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement are all about. ...

What precisely did Masuku say that got him into so much trouble? Here are a few examples:

"We want to convey a message to the Jews in South Africa that our 1.9-million workers who are affiliated to COSATU are fully behind the people of Palestine … Any business owned by Israel supporters will be a target of workers in South Africa” [Source: Address at COSATU-Palestinian Solidarity Committee rally in Raedene, 6 February 2009].

"COSATU is with you, we will do everything to make sure that whether it’s at Wits University, whether its at Orange Grove, anyone who does not support equality and dignity, who does not support the rights of other people must face the consequences even if it means that we will do something that may necessarily cause what is regarded as harm …" [Source: Address at public meeting on Wits University Campus, 5 March 2009]
Typical. RTWT.


Hat Tip: Blazing Cat Fur.

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