Monday, October 18, 2010

Caledonia's Nightmare of Fear and Anarchy

It's fascinating.

Blazing Cat Fur points us to a book on the Grand River land dispute. From the YouTube blurb:

This book is not about aboriginal land claims. The book is not about the wholesale removal of seven generations of indigenous youngsters from their reserves and families - this was by dint of federal government policy - or the abuse dished out to many of them at the residential schools into which they were arbitrarily placed or the devastating effects that haunt so many today. This book is not about the dubious merits of the reserve system which may better serve those who wish to see native people fail than those who want desperately for them to succeed. I do not in any way make light of these issues, and they are one way or another in the background of everything that occurred in Caledonia.

"What Helpless is about is the failure of government to govern and to protect all its citizens equally." --
Christie Blatchford.

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