Friday, October 15, 2010

Carly Fiorina Within One Point of Barbara Boxer in New Reuters/Ipsos Poll

It's 46 to 45 percent, so Fiorina's within the margin of error --- and we've still got a couple of weeks or so before the election. Man, good thing Boxer hasn't agreed to debates. She's worse than Harry "Low Blow" Reid!

Carly's got this smooth ad campaign going (boosted by a big $4.8 million from the NRSC), and I like this one where she pledges to "oppose my party when it's wrong." There's some appeal to the tea parties in there, in addition to independents:

And hopefully Fiorina's campaign will put together a mash-up of Boxer's recent meltdown on CNN with Wolf Blitzer. This woman is a bumbling liar, and definitely not good for California:

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