Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Former President George W. Bush Speaks to Sold-Out Crowd at University of Texas at Tyler

Now this is the former president I want to see: "Sold-Out Crowd Gives Former President Bush Three Standing Ovations During Speech."

George W. Bush

Former President George W. Bush pulled back the curtain of the Oval Office and gave East Texans a picture of what his job was like during the high and low points.

With trademark humor and conviction, he said he sought to lead with vision and optimism and to leave the office equal to or better than it was when he arrived.

“Here's what you learn,” he said. “You realize you're not it. You're a part of something bigger than yourself.”

Bush spoke Tuesday before a sold-out crowd of 2,000 people during the 76th lecture as part of The University of Texas at Tyler's Distinguished Lecture Series.

He walked on the stage to a standing ovation. People in the audience were pumping their fists and whistling. One audience member shouted, “Bring back Bush,” at one point during the presentation.

He would receive at least two more standing ovations before the end of his speech.

The former president thanked East Texans for their role in electing him to office both as governor and president.

He also touted his book “Decision Points” which is set to be released in November.

“This will come as a shock to some people in our country who didn't think I could read a book, much less write one,” he quipped.

Bush said he misses certain aspects of the presidency.
FWIW, here's more on the former president I did see, from Tim Daniels, with video: "The Battle for America 2010: The Wave Keeps Building."

RELATED: The press release from University of Texas at Tyler, "
MEDIA ADVISORY: Bush Lecture at UT Tyler."

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