Friday, October 15, 2010

Not Racist, Wide Influence — Tea Party Set to Kick Butt in November

There's been lots of articles on the tea parties as we get closer to the election, but these two pretty much sum things up: "Few Signs at Tea Party Rally Expressed Racially Charged Anti-Obama Themes," and "Tea Party Set to Win Enough Races for Wide Influence." The tea parties have set the standard for contemporary protest movements. From the start the limited government theme has been the key message. First anti-stimulus, then anti-tax and anti-ObamaCare, and throughout 2010 a number of related themes culminating in a generalized anti-incumbency groundswell. Even Republicans haven't been safe --- as seen by tea party victories in the primaries --- and thus the message of restoring conservative principles to government has triumphed over the dopey Hope-'n-Change scam of campaign 2008. I mean seriously. It's just hello? A recent poll found voters identifying more with Sarah Palin than President Obama, and that's really got to drive the neo-communists nuts.

I was an early organizer with the Orange County Tea Party Patriots, and I've attended at least a dozen events in the last 18 months. Indeed, I expect to make it out to yet another event this afternoon: "
'Freedom of Expression' - Support Van Tran at Loretta Sanchez Event." I should have some photos posted tonight or early tomorrow morning. And Left Coast Rebel's gonna be in the 'hood as well, so that'll be fun.

Below are a few more pics from
this year's tax-day tea party in Irvine:


Irvine Tax Day Tea Party

Irvine Tax Day Tea Party


Irvine Tax Day Tea Party

Irvine Tax Day Tea Party

Irvine Tax Day Tea Party

Irvine Tax Day Tea Party

Check back tonight!!

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