Monday, October 11, 2010

Secret Service Releases 'Overexhuberant' Book-Thrower

And being a Democrat helps, no doubt.

Had this guy been a tea partier DHS would have escalated the threat level and the entire leftist netroots fever swamp would have been screaming bloody murder at the "right-wing eliminationism." As it is we've got some new leftie outrage over RAAAAACISM this afternoon: "
White Men With Guns — Reconstruction Redux." Oh brother. Geez, that's a new one. And hey, I'm a swarthy non-Scotsman, but the bigot commenters at Bonejob Keefe's think that's just great freedom of expression. But wait 'till November 3rd. The tidal wave will be bigger than anyone's predicting, and no doubt a few lamebrain lefties will scream RAAAAACISM!!

Obama Book

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