Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Vile Anti-Semitism

From Lisa Richards, at NewsReal Blog, "Lurking Anti-Semitism: A Vile Reader Email":

Recently I wrote a post exposing radical libertarian Ron Paul as the leftist progressive he is, as well as his anti-Semitic comments toward Israel. This sparked anger in a longtime reader who is a conspiracy theorist with wild meltdown theories: this reader believes Obama is going to declare martial law in November and place all conservatives in concentration camps.

This week the reader emailed me after I published “7 Videos That Prove Ron Paul is a Leftist in Libertarian Clothing.” The email was offensive, anti-Semitic, and caused me to remove this person from my mailing list and Facebook. It begins with the reader, who I shall leave nameless, disagreeing with the column:

Well, I didn’t have time to watch all the videos, but I’ve already seen several of them. We’ll have to agree to disagree this time. I’ve taken countless assessments, and I ALWAYS come out as a Libertarian. I have changed my mind about some of the things we have done in this country. I feel extremely duped about going into Iraq. I believe we could have gone in and taken Hussein out, stayed for a few months, and gotten the hell out. This was a bogus war in my view. I didn’t see it at the time, but I sure do now. We were all fearful after 9/11, and Bush did a great job of convincing his base at least that this is what was needed. It was NOT what we needed to do. We have been sticking our noses into other countries’ business for far too long. And I maintain it’s time to stop that. Who are we to impose our form of government and way of life on others? It makes us an elitist country and an imperialistic one as well.

Not a problem, a lot of Americans feel this way. The next paragraph insulted and deeply offended me:

Also, I have greatly altered my view on our own CIA and on Israel. Did you know that 40 Jews were picked up right after 9/11 who knew about 9/11 BEFORE it happened? This is 100% true. It was on Fox News, reported by both Brit Hume and Tony Snow. I saw all the videos. Israel plays us to the hilt. I know you’re working for a Jew, and I’m not saying they’re all bad. I have a lot of respect for David Horowitz. But watch them closely. They are NOT our big buddies… Just my opinion…

Not a very decent opinion.

Let me be honest, I do not write in a pro-Israel fashion because Mr. Horowitz, whom I greatly respect, is Jewish. I support Israel because I am a Christian who worships a Jew. I consider myself a spiritual Jew.


It gets pretty bad, but of course, this is "imaginary" anti-Semitism. You know, since folks like us are always looking for something to gripe about, because we're jonesin' for victimhood, or something.

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