Monday, December 20, 2010

Confidential Police Report Leaked in Julian Assange Sex Assault Case

At The Australian, "Lawyers cry foul over leak of Julian Assange sex-case papers" (via Memeorandum).

Plus, at NYT, "Confidential Swedish Police Report Details Allegations Against WikiLeaks Founder."

And at WSJ, "
New Details Reveal More About Problems Assange Faces":
New details of the Swedish sexual-misconduct accusations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange shed more light on the deepening and complex legal problems he faces over his conduct with two women during a short stretch in August.

Mr. Assange was released on bail in the U.K. last week following his Dec. 7 arrest on a European arrest warrant issued by Sweden. Now, the WikiLeaks founder finds himself in the middle of a multifront legal battle stemming from two seemingly disparate events: WikiLeaks' release of thousands of classified U.S. documents, which has angered U.S. officials and sparked a broad U.S. federal investigation; and the sexual-misconduct case in Sweden, where prosecutors want to extradite him to answer questions regarding accusations of rape and molestation by two women there.

Mr. Assange has denied the sex allegations, and his attorney, Mark Stephens, has suggested that the Swedish criminal case is a ruse to keep Mr. Assange in custody while U.S. prosecutors consider whether to bring a criminal case against him or WikiLeaks.

But as more details about Sweden's criminal case against Mr. Assange emerge, through interviews and the leaking of a Swedish police report to the U.K. newspaper the Guardian, the sexual-misconduct allegations have come into fuller view
And at The Other McCain, "Julian Assange, Victim?"

RELATED: From Kash Hill, "
Julian Assange Knocks Mark Zuckerberg on Saturday Night Live."

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