Saturday, December 11, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards Eulogized

The story's at New York Times and Memeorandum.

And Althouse writes on the day, with a link to the New York Times, "
Elizabeth Edwards, Through Many Eyes."

Also, at Us Weekly, "
Elizabeth Edwards' Oldest Daughter Eulogizes Mom at Funeral."

And I closed comments at my big post from earlier in the week. By now it's a feedback process in the thread, and the cumulative, repetitive nature to the comments have emboldened some.
For example:
MoeLarryAndJesus said...

Donald Douglas is a contemptible political hack who can eat shit and die.
Frustrated that I closed comments, some visitors commented elsewhere at the blog (Bernie Sanders, "Hate Mail"), and I've gotten two angry e-mails so far, with no doubt more on the way. Boing Boing linked, so that explains some of it, and check the link there for another round of vile left-wing demonology and hatred. It's no doubt fascinating. But all this buzzing anger will die down subside next week.

RELATED: "The Powerful Corpse of Radical Progressivism," and "Creepy Stalker Shows Up at Christianity Today."

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