Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hate Mail

From another member of the enlightened, tolerant left:

From: Kyle Lindskog []
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 6:51 PM
To: Donald Douglas
Subject: Elizabeth Edwards

Mr. Douglas,

People like you make me sick. You consider it a flaw that Ms. Edwards omitted "God" from her final correspondence? No. She is to be praised for this. Unlike you, she probably believed that her human experience on Earth was the best platform for happiness and fulfillment. You, on the other hand, are probably obsessed with saying the right words to the right "God" so that you can secure for yourself a spot in "heaven."

Also, for you to call someone a nihilist merely for omitting "God" in a "death letter" is disgraceful. I wish there were a hell for you to go to. But unfortunately, unlike you, I appreciate science and evidence, and do not accept such farcical, obviously man-made ideas.

With utmost contempt, I am

Kyle Lindskog
St. Petersburg, FL

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